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GuruJi Hawan Samagri is a special mixture of natural ingredients and herbs used in Hindu rituals and fire ceremonies known as "hawan" or "yajna." The precise composition of the mixture can vary, but it typically includes a combination of herbs, ghee (clarified butter), grains, and other items with spiritual significance. During a hawan or yajna, this samagri is offered into the sacred fire while chanting mantras and prayers. It is believed to purify the environment, invoke divine blessings, and create a harmonious atmosphere for the ritual. The specific ingredients in Hawan Samagri are carefully chosen for their spiritual and purifying properties. The product you mentioned comes in a 100-gram package, making it convenient for use in religious ceremonies. Please note that the exact composition and ingredients of the Hawan Samagri may vary based on regional traditions and the preferences of the person performing the ritual
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